Ciba Speciality Chemicals use MS4 to safeguard their international Supply Chain Management system and Business Support Centre structures worldwide.
This Scottish company has used a single AS/400 machine to administer two sites. The AS/400, running on Mapics since the late 1970's, has been highly customised, making it infeasible to implement any future Y2K compliant versions.
In September 1996, Waterford Crystal were running BPCS v.3.0 with many enhancements and modifications. Prompted by a need to become Y2K-compliant, Waterford Crystal's Systems Development Manager, Carl Phelan, set about looking at alternative trading systems including BPCS v.6.
Kiwi Brands Australia, a division of Sara Lee/Douwe Egberts, faced the Y2K question with its BPCS version 4.03 manufacturing system.
In April 1997, when S&G Seeds B.V. realised that the upgrade from their heavily modified BPCS V2.0 and V2.1 systems to BPCS V5.1 was not going to see them into the next millennium, the race was on to find a solution before the problem hurt them.
In 1996, with the long term strategy of moving dozens of BPCS installations to SAP around the globe, La Roche recognised the difficulty involved in completely migrating such a large number of sites before experiencing the first wave of year 2000 problems.
When bioMérieux, Vitek Japan, was looking for a solution to their Millennium problem they had four options available - BPCS v.6, BPCS v.4.05 CD, a new enterprise application, or MS4.
Tubemakers Water, a leading manufacturer of valves, fittings, and pipes for Australian water conveyance industries, continues running BPCS 5.1 software with MS4 installed for Y2K compliance.